Barham Village Hall
Barham Village Hall

Correspondence - please e-mail


Hall Location

Valley Road, 

Barham, Kent
CT4 6NX.



If you would like to make a booking please follow the 'Bookings' link on the left. Alternatively, you can contact our Booking Administrator at or call 07731927253.


Contact us

For Finance, Website or Secretariat enquiries


Barham Village Store

Valley Road, 


Tel: 01227 832991

The management committee of eighteen comprises a Chairman, Treasurer and a group of trustees who are the nominated representatives of the main users groups of the hall. Details of the Village Hall Trustees are posted on the Charities Commission website which is updated annually.


We have a development sub-committee who are responsible for overseeing and making decisions relating to the development project.  Co-opted onto the committee are the Chairman of the Nailbourne Community Store and local residents with experience of fundraising and building projects.


An AGM is held at the beginning of October each year to approve the annual accounts and nominate the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Trustees.  A copy of the latest annual accounts are provided below. 

BVH - 2019 Annual Accounts.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [564.3 KB]
BVH-Annual accounts 2019-20.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [569.5 KB]
BVH - 2023 Annual Accounts
Adobe Acrobat document [2.3 MB]
AGM Minutes 2019
Minutes of AGM 07'10'19.doc
Microsoft Word document [40.5 KB]
AGM Minutes 2020
Minutes of BVH AGM 04'11'20.doc
Microsoft Word document [49.5 KB]
AGM Minutes 2021
Minutes of AGM 04'10'21.doc
Microsoft Word document [50.0 KB]
AGM Minutes 2022
Minutes of BVH CIO AGM 21'11'22.doc
Microsoft Word document [45.5 KB]
AGM Minutes 2023
Minutes of BVH CIO AGM 06'11'23.doc
Microsoft Word document [44.5 KB]
Changing to a CIO
Document describing the switch to a Charity Incorporated Organisation, which affects trustees liability at the hall.
CIO Barham VH May 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [369.4 KB]
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© Barham Community Hall