Correspondence - please e-mail
Hall Location
Valley Road,
Barham, Kent
CT4 6NX.
If you would like to make a booking please follow the 'Bookings' link on the left. Alternatively, you can contact our Booking Administrator at or call 07731927253.
Contact us
For Finance, Website or Secretariat enquiries
Barham Village Store
Valley Road,
Tel: 01227 832991
Following advice from Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE), the national body which supports rural
community councils, Barham Village Hall converted to a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) in 2021 with the adoption of a new constitution. This structure removes any personal liability for trustees and it's hoped this will encourage more
people to step up and become involved.
If you'd like to join our team, we are always looking for people to help, regardless of your skill set! Get in touch at for more information.
Watch out for the renewal forms for the BVH 100's Club for 2025 coming your way in the next couple of months.
For those not in 'the know' The Hundreds Club is a monthly draw run to make a profit for the upkeep of Barham Village Hall. This year has been another great year with 159 tickets
sold and the club having paid out £780 in prize money to its participants.
There will be a 2024 donation to the Village Hall for running costs and upkeep at the end of this Lotto year of another £1500 which is
Thank you all so much for your continued or new support.
Every month three numbers are drawn at the Coffee Stop on a Tuesday and published on the parish website, on the Village Hall notice board and Village Hall web
Prize money has increased this year to £30 for 1st prize £20 for second and £10 for third prize but the December draw has enhanced prize money to £60 first prize, £40 second prize
and £20 third prize.
Each ticket is £12 for the year which is just £1 per month and there is no limit to how many tickets you are allowed to buy.
Form pick up details will be advertised on here in the coming months but if you've not joined in, why not make it a New Years resolution to help your community in
2024 Winners: